Custom Prebuild/Made To Order Headlights - Care Information

Like all other modifications, your custom headlights require care after being fitted to ensure that you get the most from your new purchase.

It's a similar situation to:
  • When getting PPF applied to your vehicle - letting the PPF set, and ensuring that your car isn't aggressively washed on the PPF edges
  • When getting your car painted - letting the paint cure and offgas, and not use any coarse polishing
  • When fitting splitters or lips - avoiding kerb/potholes or anything similar that would cause damage

As your new custom headlights are a custom/bespoke item, they also require you to take care of them to get the most out of them & to ensure that common issues are avoided. This is not an exhaustive list, but it'll give a good indication of what's required:
  • Not pressure washing the headlight seals at close range to remove or disturb the replacement sealant when washing your car
  • Not applying acidic products, or anything that will interfere with the sealant on the headlight when washing your car
  • Not touching/removing/disturbing the sealant on the headlights
  • Not applying or directing water into areas of the headlight that aren't designed to be watertight (for example spraying the adjustment mechanisms with soapy water if you're PPFing the headlights)
  • Not removing any warranty stickers to ensure that your warranty isn't voided
  • When removing/replacing bulbs, ensuring that the bulb/gasket/bulb holder/cap is seated back on correctly to not allow any water ingress into the headlight