Using your own headlights
If you want to use a second set of headlights for the conversion (either the set from your car, or a second set), we can offer one of the following options to get your headlights to us:
- You can send us your own headlights via your own courier
- We can arrange collection of your own headlights via DHL, fully insured on a next day service (additional costs applicable)
- You can drop off your headlights to us in person
Once the build is completed, we can offer one of the following options:
- We can arrange delivery of your own headlights via DHL, fully insured on a next day service (additional costs applicable)
- You can collect your headlights from us in person
- You can bring the vehicle to us so we can fit the headlights
Leaving your car with us
If you want to leave your car with us so we can work on your own headlights (for example, if you know that your current headlights won't pass our requirements for the 'Core Exchange Program'), then we will be able to remove and refit the headlights (additional costs applicable).
Using our 'Core Exchange Program'
If you're taking advantage of our inventory, we can offer one of the following options:
- In person exchange - pop on down to our commercial premises with just your headlights, and we'll be able to directly exchange with you
- Remote exchange - we'll send out your custom headlights to you via DHL on a next day service (additional costs applicable), and you'll have 7 days from receiving the headlights to swap them out your side. Once you've got your old headlights packed back up in the same box, let us know and we'll arrange collection via DHL for the following business day. A refundable deposit will be required in order for us to do this option, which will be refunded in full once we have received back your old headlights. If there's any issues, we'll get in touch and discuss options further with you
- Fit & exchange - we'll fit (additional costs applicable) your new custom headlights at our commercial premises, and take in your old headlights on exchange. Perfect if you want a one day service, and prefer us to handle everything end to end
Purchasing new headlights
If you want us to provide new OEM headlights to carry out your conversion on, we can get that done for you. All we need is your vehicle and headlight details to ensure we order in the right headlights. We'll carry out the conversion as normal, and then you'll have the following options to receive your new custom headlights:
- In person collection - pop on down to our commercial premises, and we'll show you everything functioning on our bench tests, and pack up the headlights ready for transit back with you
- Delivery - we'll send out the new custom headlights via DHL on a next day service fully insured (additional costs applicable)
- Fitting - we'll fit (additional costs applicable) your new custom headlights at our commercial premises